Chapel Praise Congregation

Recent Worship Services/Palm Sunday-Easter


“”You are worthy, O Lord our God, to receive glory and honor and power.” (Rev. 4:11)

Chapel Praise services are hard to describe in terms of churches that exist in today’s worship environment. One person has said the Chapel Praise experience may be unique in the United States. Worship at Chapel Praise is in a small setting, but part of a larger church body.Choir, orchestra, congregational singing, prayer time, announcements, and ample greeting time, combined with special presentations, communion, and media presentations precede a message broadcast live (or slightly time-delayed) from the main worship center in the same building. Elements of the traditional and contemporary combine to make almost everyone feel at home. If you don’t care for the music just come back next week and you most likely will. The Chapel has it’s own 12-14 piece orchestra, and occasionally brings in full string sections and percussion sections. Bluegrass is presented a couple of times a year, and Southern Gospel is a monthly occurrence. Traditional hymns are sung in new settings that make everyone want to sing. The warmth of the congregation is palpable and it is our aim to make everyone feel welcome.


Two songs from the Palm Sunday service 2014:



















